14 March 2016

Client moves into York passivhaus

'Now that I have been in for a couple of months I can really appreciate how brilliantly
the house has been designed and built. Everyone who comes is amazed at how good it 
looks and feels, even with boxes still piled up everywhere’ 

Certification plaque was fixed up to applause and thanks to contractor Croft Farm Construction

"It’s been a great job to work on -  a pleasure to work with both client and Contractor. 
Congratulations city of York to your first certified passivhaus, and may there be many more!
We hope the house will be open again for interested visitors, at next year’s Passivhaus Open 
Day in November”
Fran Bradshaw

Fran to speak at Brighton Green Architecture day on saturday 19th march, see www.brightonpermaculture.org.uk

'Green Architecture Day is an annual event Brighton Permaculture has run in partnership
with Low Carbon Trust since 2002. Since then, the event has attracted over 2,000 participants 
to hear inspiring talks about how we can live and work in greener buildings. It has featured 
talks from speakers as varied as Ben Law, Christopher Day, Pooran Desai and Satish Kumar.
At Brighton Permaculture Trust, we believe that we need to give equal weight to sustainability 
in the built environment and regenerating our landscapes’