25 March 2011

Edwardian Terrace Retrofit BD Article published

Amanda Birch has written a great article in Building Design magazine on our Retrofit for the Future project for Metropolitan Housing Trust. ATA modeled the existing house using the Passivhaus Planning Package that enabled us to design and retrofit high levels of insulation and air-tightness to dramatically reduce the energy consumption of the building for heating, giving 80% reduction in the buildings carbon emissions.

Hawthorn Road Retrofit features in Building Design

Great article on our Retrofit for the future project for Metropolitan Housing Trust that focuses on the technical experience of working on an Edwardian terraced house project to gain deep cuts in carbon emissions to reach the governments 2050 targets.
We used a passivhaus approach, as certified passivhaus designers, to model, calculate and super insulate the existing house. Read more here.....

BD Article

Treehugger Article

22 March 2011

ATA Retrofit Article in Green Building Magazine

Fran and Jennie's article for Green Building Magazine ATA's two Retrofit for the Future projects is featured in this season's publication.  Click here to read more...

7 March 2011

Stoke Retrofit Open Day Presentation

Great turn out at the open day held at St Luke St for our Retrofit for the Future project for Sanctuary Housing, which shows the level of interest in the realities and challenges of retrofitting our existing housing stock.

Presentations from contractor's Seddon, and Fran and Jennie from ATA gave all present a great insight and overview into all aspects of the project from design to completion on site.

Click here to view ATA's presentation of how we designed to reduce the CO2 emissions at St Luke St by over 80% using Passivhaus Enerphit approach